Texas LPC Updates from LPC Board Meeting dated 5/7/2021

Latest Updates Regarding LPCs in Texas!

Guess what? You can now watch the LPC Board meetings on Youtube. Here’s the link to BHEC’s Youtube page that has all the recorded meetings.

Also, here is the link to the latest LPC Board meeting on 5/7/21. If you want to watch the whole video, please do so. BUT, if you would like a more condensed version, here are my main takeaways after watching the meeting:

  • The Texas LPC Board (as well as BHEC) meetings will now be available on the above mentioned Youtube channel, so you can now watch them at your convenience. This is great because you used to have to go to the meeting in person and that’s just not feasible for most people.

  • There was mention of increasing the number of supervision hours from 4 to 6 hours for LPC Associates. This idea was shot down at this time and doesn’t seem like the Board is moving forward with any changes pertaining to supervision hours. As of now, it remains the same, 4 hours of supervision required per month.

  • The Board is still talking about the possibility of allowing LPC Associates to operate their own private practice and receive direct payments. Nothing has changed at this time and the rules still remain the same, but this is definitely an area that we will be hearing a lot about in the near future.

  • BHEC will soon be automating the Supervision paperwork to provide modules for supervisors to complete online. In the near future, we won’t be sending any paperwork by mail and it will all be done online. As that rolls out, my goal is to do a separate blog article outlining how it all works.

  • They also addressed the current bills being discussed in the Texas House and Senate.

Overall, it was quite interesting to listen to the meeting and hear what’s going on. I recommend checking out these meetings as they come available and staying on top of all the rules/laws that effect our licensure. To stay up to date, you can:

  1. Subscribe to the BHEC Youtube channel. This option is great if you have a Youtube account. If not, I recommend the other option.

  2. Subscribe to BHEC email updates by going HERE. By subscribing, you will be notified of all updates. When notified of a new meeting, you can then visit the Youtube channel to watch once it’s posted to the site.

One final update specific to LPC Supervisors. The LPC Approved Supervisor Application can now be completed online using the Online Licensing System. Starting in August, if you are applying to upgrade your license to Supervisor status, you will have to submit online. They will cease accepting paper versions starting August 1, 2021.